Pray For Newman College Ireland
Please pray for the success of Newman College Ireland in your families nightly prayers. We have been blessed to have over one million memoraries promised MEMORARIES PRAYED 1,163,337
Please pray for the success of Newman College Ireland in your families nightly prayers. We have been blessed to have over one million memoraries promised MEMORARIES PRAYED 1,163,337
As a saint once said, God has All the money in the world, but that money is in your hands. Click here to help form the next generation of Irish Saints and Scholars.
Newman College Ireland is a Catholic liberal arts college inspired by the writings of Bl John Henry Newman. The College joyfully finds its identity in the task of communicating the truth about God and Man. It is dedicated to the intellectual development and spiritual formation of young men and women for a life of faith and good works.
Newman College Ireland opened in Rome in 2014 and came home to Ireland the following year. The college took up residence in a temporary campus within a hotel in Co. Derry. Newman College Ireland resided there for three years. In 2018, Newman College Ireland relocated to Thomas More College in New Hampshire for two years until Covid closure.
In his encyclical, The Proposed Catholic University for Ireland, Optime Noscitus [1], (1854), Blessed Pope Pius IX expressed his deep concern at Ireland’s lack of a pathway to a spiritually well-formed and intellectually informed Catholic laity, as well as the fact that young Irish people could be lost to the faith at non-Catholic and secular Irish universities. The Holy Father insisted that the Irish bishops proceed urgently with their decision to meet these needs through the setting up of a Catholic university.
Newman College Ireland has looked for a permanent campus since before it opened in 2014. The search continues. Once Newman College Ireland has a home, it will reopen to students.
Because of the urgent need of young people today to reconnect with their Christian roots, Newman College Ireland will Initially offer a one year “Foundations in Christian Civilisation Programme”. It will also host speakers, conferences and other short courses and international student programmes.
In time, as well as these academic offerings, the college will, by the Grace of God, expand to a full liberal arts education.